This is a simple lesson. What to do with Grievances? Allow a miracle instead. You can't make a miracle happen, but you can be willing for it. Sometimes I think, is ACIM just about "Keeping Calm and Carrying On." Not really any great spiritual substance, just, stop getting your knickers in such a twist, my girl. Would it really be just as good to do a course in stress management?
Then I see a lesson like this and it underlines that this is a mind training, but not just a mind training. It really is a doorway into another universe, the Real world. Each lesson is a little path and a door. Every day, every practice of a lesson, and that door might just swing wide open.
The thing is, our willingness. That's why it it might take a while. It takes a while to have the willingness to allow the door to open. Every grievance seems to be like a boulder in front of the door, making it harder to open.
Today I was thinking, you know, I don't have many grievances about individual people. I reflected on someone and did come up with a list of things I wish were different, things that I am disappointed about. Perhaps it's been so long, I have become resigned to those things being that way. I don't try to change him, but I don't exactly see him as a radiant Son of God.
Now if it's true that how I judge others it how I judge myself, I think...and what is my attitude to myself? Resignation? It's certainly not always an attitude of delighted self acceptance. Here is how the dictionary defines it:
an accepting, unresisting attitude, state, etc.; submission;acquiescence: to meet one's fate with resignation
There are undertones here of a victim consciousness. A sense that the grievances are real, but one will be good and brave about them.
I think the Holy Spirit might have blown my cover. Resignation is a long way from joy. It would not take much prodding for resignation to surge up into a full blown grievance again. Resignation might be the compromise I've made to avoid real transformation. Well I'm not that happy about this and that about myself and others, but I will be good and not make a fuss. There will just be this continuous mild dissatisfaction.
Another thought was...I might have a grievance about my spiritual long the transformation is taking, why I haven't got a public ministry, why I'm not changing fast enough. After all, I've worked at it so hard!
That's quite a little bundle of grievances really. The thing is, I keep trying to fix it all myself. Asking for a miracle... how simple!
I am willing to let miracles replace all grievances, even, and especially, the ones disguised with a veneer of resignation. Writing this is like my confession to Truth. Now, I hand all this over. And I let go.
May the HS continue to blow all our covers away. =) I really would love to talk to you sometime. Maybe we could talk sometime on skype or email? Much love, Leah.
ReplyDeleteI'd love that. Do you know my contact details? I'm not being that public on this..but I do know a Leah..we worked together? S x
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ReplyDeleteLeah I will be in touch. I'm going to delete your last comment for your privacy. Thanks S.